How Can I Take Care of My Facelift Scars at Home?
Many people hesitate to undergo facelift surgery out of fear of noticeable scarring. There is hardly anything appealing about the look and feel of scar tissue after your facelift surgery. This blog discusses facelift scars, how to care for scars to lessen their visibility, the benefits of facelift surgery, what to know about facelift recovery, and what you can expect from your results.

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Facelift Scars
While scarring is inevitable with many facelifts, a skilled plastic surgeon will take extra care to place incisions in inconspicuous locations and help ensure the scars fade quickly.
The visibility of your scars will depend on how well you take care of incisions post-surgery.
Following your facelift surgery with Dr. Calabria, you will receive post-operative instructions to help care for your incisions at home and reduce the chance of scarring or other complications. It is vital that you follow all recommendations, as this is the best way to maximize the aesthetic outcome of your scars.
Scar Management at Home
You can do things at home to promote your post-surgical healing process and minimize the appearance of scars. Taking care of your scars will help you to stress less about how visible they are and allow you to enjoy the results of your facelift.
Keep the Area Moisturized
Ensure your skin is not drying out by using approved over-the-counter lotions or topical agents that moisturize your skin for proper healing.
Gently Massage the Area
It is common for patients to experience some itching as the incisions begin to heal. Always resist the urge to scratch and instead massage the area gently with clean hands using vitamin E, coconut oil, or anything else your surgeon recommends.
Avoid Direct Sun Exposure
Direct exposure to sunlight can negatively impact your facelift recovery and even permanently darken scars. So, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use sunscreen whenever you go outside until your scars are barely visible.
Do Not Smoke
Smoking increases the risk of scars and slows healing. If you want smoother, less visible scars, the habit must stop for at least a few weeks before and after surgery.
Avoid Putting Stress on the Incisions
Patients are advised to take it easy and set aside several weeks to heal after facelift surgery. Starting to exercise too soon or lifting heavy stuff can reopen the incisions and lead to poor scarring. To minimize this risk, work with your doctor to know when it is safe to engage in strenuous activities.
Stay Hydrated
You will need to hydrate for the best chance of achieving minimal scarring. Not drinking enough water or consuming high levels of alcohol can affect your wound-healing process and increase scar risk.
Finally, be patient with your healing process. The appearance of fresh scars may make you uneasy at first, but it will look better in time.
What Are the Benefits of Facelift Surgery?
Facelift surgery is an incredibly transformative procedure. It can rejuvenate your skin and give you a more youthful, lifted appearance. A facelift’s most significant benefits are creating more youthful facial contours, smoothing out wrinkly skin, and improving your face.
Dr. Calabria is highly skilled at performing facelifts—he’s board-certified and has nearly two decades of experience. He utilizes advanced techniques to help you achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.
When you get a facelift at the Beverly Hills Facelift Institute, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best service, results, and care. We’re the only place in the world exclusively dedicated to facelift surgery, so you know you’re getting a top-notch facelift experience with us. Some facelift options include the stem cell facelift, male facelift, one-stitch facelift, and vertical facelift. A consultation can help you decide which option is right for you.
What to Expect From Facelift Recovery
Since most patients don’t have the time to commit to a lengthy recovery period, Dr. Calabria has tailored his facelifts to shorten the recovery time as much as possible while still providing top-notch results and personalized care. Facelift recovery can be tricky since concealing one’s face during healing is often complicated, and returning to your regular activities may not be an option immediately.
During your facelift procedure, Dr. Calabria uses an electric knife, which helps reduce swelling, bruising, and excessive bleeding. After your surgery, a dressing will be placed on your face, and you’ll be moved to the recovery room, where you’ll be closely monitored to make sure you’re comfortable and prevent any post-surgery complications. Dr. Calabria and an anesthesiologist will look after you in the recovery room. Once they see that you’re ready, they will have you transferred to a post-operative facility to stay overnight with sufficient care. The nurses at the facility are highly experienced in caring for facelift patients, and they’ll check all your vitals and ensure your pain is manageable, providing medications as needed.
The day after your surgery, you’ll meet with Dr. Calabria so he can check in with how you’re feeling and give you personalized instructions for post-operative care. From now on, you may be able to go home or need to stay at the facility for another day. The following check-in appointment with the doctor will be scheduled for the following week, and Dr. Calabria is always available to answer any questions.
Facelift Results
Your facelift procedure will be customized to fit your individual needs and goals. The timeline for seeing your results may vary from patient to patient, but you can expect your face to be functional one week after surgery and presentable after two weeks. The results take about a month to look natural, and as time goes on, they will continue to look even more natural. The longevity of your facelift results will depend on which type of facelift you have. Still, despite that, Dr. Calabria says facelift patients will always look 10 to 15 years younger than their true age due to the procedure.

Are You Preparing for Facelift Surgery?
If you are seriously concerned about your facelift scarring, facelift scar revision surgery can help you look and feel better about your appearance.
Qualified and skilled plastic surgeons like Dr. Renato Calabria have many techniques for discreetly making incisions in natural folds to ensure minimal scarring.
Want to Know More About Facelift Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA?
If you’re interested in facelift surgery in the Beverly Hills area, contact us today at 310-777-0069 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and learn more.